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Nature, Deities and Buddhas

Last update September 8, 2022


What is Buddhism for Me?

lotus_bud If someone in the world thinks Buddhism is some shady belief, I have to say they should think twice. Because, as an open-minded human being, holding the wrong view doesn't do human wisdom justice. So, let me share my definition and how I can bring out the best of that wisdom.

What is Buddhism for me? In a nutshell, it’s a methodology established by Gautama Buddha to live a happy, worthwhile life. Everyone except newborn babes or stardust-eyed dreamers knows that life is not always rosy but can be thorny and full of tough calls.

It may sound cliché, but living life is like sailing on raging ridges, dealing with gruesome mountains, threading through rocks and pebbles, or getting lost alone in the darkness. Whenever that happens, Buddhism comes in very handy.

Believing Buddhism makes me trust some good, positive energy in the universe will always guide me whenever I run out of options and have no idea what to do, shouldering heavy loads, devastated by sorrow, pain, and anxiety.

Practising Buddhism builds positive power inside me, which I can tap into whenever I have to cope with challenges, helping me reveal the best version of me and achieve the optimum result.

Buddhist meditation connects me with a source of the best-tuned superhuman wisdom and infinite consolation and compassion through my inner universe created by believing and practising the dharma.

So for me, Buddhism is a light, compass, umbrella, safe house, respectable teacher, reliable friend, encouraging dad, sweet mom, thrill, fun, exploration, inspiration, and everything positive condensed inside a small existence like mine.

