

Financial Terms

Last update April 25, 2021


English Japanese
factoring ファクタリング
fair market value 公正市場価格
fall in prices 物価下落
Federal Reserve Bank, the 米国準備銀行
finance business, the 金融業
finance company 金融会社
finance(s); financial affairs 財政
finance; financing 金融
financial (or banking) institution 金融機関
financial (or treasury) investment 財政投資
financial anxiety 金融不安<
financial assistance; financial aid (or support) 財政援助
financial capital 金融資本
financial crisis 財政危機
financial deregulation (or liberalization) 金融自由化
financial difficulties 財政難
financial drain 金融の空洞化
financial panic 金融恐慌
financial policy 金融政策
financial stringency 財政逼迫
Financial Supervisory Agency 金融監督庁
firm banking ファーム・バンキング
fixed account 定期預金
fixed cost 固定費
fixed exchange rate system, the 固定為替相場制
fixed interest rate 固定金利
fixed rate system 固定相場制
fixed-term account withdrawable after notification 通知預金
Foreign Exchange Control Law, the 為替管理法
foreign currency (or money) 外貨
foreign currency bill 外貨手形
foreign currency bonds 外貨債
foreign currency deposit 外貨預金
foreign currency holdings 外貨保有高
foreign currency reserves 外貨準備高
foreign exchange 外国為替
foreign exchange bank 外国為替銀行
Foreign Exchange Control Law, the 外国為替管理法
foreign exchange gain 外国為替差益
foreign exchange loss 外国為替差損
foreign exchange market 外国為替市場
foreign exchange rate 外国為替相場
foreign exchange speculation; currency exchange speculation 為替投機
foreign loans 対外債権
foreign-exchange holdings 手持ち外貨
forward buying 先物買い
forward (or future) market 先物市場
forward (or future) rate 先物相場
FRB(Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 連邦準備制度理事会
fund raising 資金調達
fund raising; financing 資金繰り
fund 資金
futures 先物
futures quotations; forward price 先物価格
futures trading 先物取引