Last update July 9, 2012

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Last update July 9, 2012



1. 会社は1950年代に設立された。

Before N.C.K.

The company was founded in    1950s.

After N.C.K.

The company was founded in the 1950s.

2. 優れた品質を追求し続けた結果、P1000が開発されました。DataQuickはデータ処理をサポートする有望なソフトウェアです。

Before N.C.K.

   P1000 is just another example of our unending excellence. The DataQuick is a high-potential software to facilitate data processing.

After N.C.K.

The P1000 is just another example of our unending excellence.    DataQuick is    high-potential software to facilitate data processing.

3. 動物の口が十分に開いていることを確認してください。

Before N.C.K.

Ensure that the animal can open the mouth sufficiently.

After N.C.K.

Ensure that the animal can open its mouth sufficiently.
所有格を使ったほうが明確。the は曖昧性が残る。

4. 1992年の販売開始より80万個以上の販売実績がある。

Before N.C.K.

Since the market launch in 1992, more than 800,000 units have been sold.

After N.C.K.

Since its market launch in 1992, more than 800,000 units have been sold.

5. 試験区のほうが対照区より高いエネルギー値を示した。

Before N.C.K.

The experimental group showed the higher energy value than the control group.

After N.C.K.

The experimental group showed a higher energy value than the control group.

6. 専用のインストーラを使って、コツンとぶつかる感触があるまで、ゆっくりとホースを挿入します。

Before N.C.K.

Use the dedicated installer to insert the hose slowly until the feeling of light contact is sensed.

After N.C.K.

Use the dedicated installer to insert the hose slowly until a feeling of light contact is sensed.

7. 大麦はウィスキーの原料であるが、次第に輸入品が使われるようになった。

Before N.C.K.

The barley as the material for whiskey gradually shifted to imported products.

After N.C.K.

   Barley as a raw material for whiskey and beer gradually shifted to imported products.

8. 詳しい情報を掲載したパンフレットおよび設置ガイドDVDを用意しております。

Before N.C.K.

The brochure containing detailed information and installation guide DVD are available.

After N.C.K.

A brochure containing detailed information and an installation guide DVD are available.

9. 商品は材質として独自の合成ポリマーを使用し、使用に耐えるだけの強度を持っている。

Before N.C.K.

The product is made of    unique synthetic polymer material with    specifically calculated strength.

After N.C.K.

The product is made of a unique synthetic polymer material with a specifically calculated strength.

10. 商品に合わせた環境を備えたさまざまな生産設備を提供することができます。

Before N.C.K.

We can provide various manufacturing sites with    product-specific, minute environment.

After N.C.K.

We can provide various manufacturing sites with a product-specific, minute environment.

11. もちろん、機械にかけたコストは十分取り戻せた。

Before N.C.K.

Of course,    costs for machines have been sufficiently paid off.

After N.C.K.

Of course, the costs for machines have been sufficiently paid off.

12. その結果、生産ラインでの二酸化炭素の排出を最大27%まで抑えることができた。

Before N.C.K.

As the result, we could succeed in reducing CO2 emissions by maximum 27% in production lines.

After N.C.K.

As a result, we could successfully reduce CO2 emissions by up to 27% in production lines.
As a resultは慣用句。また、結果として起こる事象はユニークなものとして限定することはできない。

13. 彼は調査と試験を行い、一般社会の誤解を解いた。

Before N.C.K.

He conducted research and tests to calm the misunderstanding on the part of the general public.

After N.C.K.

He conducted research and tests to calm    misunderstandings on the part of the general public.

14. これによって、年間3,000トンにおよぶ二酸化炭素の削減につながった。

Before N.C.K.

These achievements have led to the annual reduction of 3,000 tons of CO2 emissions.

After N.C.K.

These achievements have led to an annual reduction of 3,000 tons of CO2 emissions.
同じ名詞句で定冠詞、不定冠詞の両方が使われる例があるが、ここでは、led to の文脈があり、新しい情報を登場させようとしていることから不定冠詞。

15. システムの現状の状態、エラー状態や故障履歴などが診断できます。

Before N.C.K.

   Current status of the system, including    error status and breakdown history, can be diagnosed.

After N.C.K.

The current status of the system, including the error status and breakdown history, can be diagnosed.

16. ユーザーの好みに合わせて画面レイアウトの調整が可能。

Before N.C.K.

   Screen layout can be customized to the user's preference.

After N.C.K.

The screen layout can be customized to the user's preference.

17. 画面にグリッドを表示し、ラインなどの要素の開始・終了位置を表示する。

Before N.C.K.

Shows the grid in the screen to display    start/end positions of elements such as lines.

After N.C.K.

Shows a grid on the screen to display the start/end positions of elements such as lines.

18. 従来の方法を採用しているセンサでは、対象物の底面からの反射光を受けてしまう。

Before N.C.K.

The sensor using the conventional method receives reflective light from the bottom of the object.

After N.C.K.

A sensor using the conventional method receives reflective light from the bottom of the object.

19. 使用していないコネクタは、ほこりや静電気から保護するため、キャップを外さないでください。

Before N.C.K.

For the connector not in use, leave the cap in place to protect against dust, dirt, and static electricity.

After N.C.K.

For a connector not in use, leave the cap in place to protect against dust, dirt, and static electricity.

20. 彼は東京近郊に住む農家にこの技術を伝授した。

Before N.C.K.

He then shared this technique with the farmers living in a nearby rural area of Tokyo.

After N.C.K.

He then shared this technique with    farmers living in a nearby rural area of Tokyo.